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3DF Zephyr On Sale

3DF Zephyr On Sale

Postby epsilonion » 22 Dec 2017, 11:58

3DF Zephyr allows you to automatically and easily create 3D models from photos.

The process is completely automatic and no coded targets, manual editing or special equipments are needed: with a user friendly interface and the possibility to export in many common 3D formats, 3DF Zephyr is the perfect tool for 3D modelling from reality.

Steam Edition includes all 3.x updates.

Please note that 3DF Zephyr runs only on Microsoft Windows x64 operating systems (Vista and later)
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Re: 3DF Zephyr On Sale

Postby SpiderMack » 23 Dec 2017, 16:15

Nice tool.

There is many usage not related to game like presentations or other applications.

For game usage, you need to retopology to get less triangles and better topology for games, their simplification process still makes too much triangles with many unecessary vertices.
Until it's a hobby game and you don't care :lol:

I'm surprised there is no more people selling photogrammetry stuff on 3D stores for low prices :?

There is also a lite version to try it.

However as seen in this video , it's not perfect and super precise, for example the robot has some holes and shapes are not precise. So don't expect to use it to capture perfect geometry.
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Re: 3DF Zephyr On Sale

Postby epsilonion » 24 Dec 2017, 11:54

The lowest I have got the triangles is 20k in there software but I believe there will be a fix to export lower.

Most other software you have to export to maya, 3dsmax etc to reduce the triangles

The software also allows you to export lod stages as well within the workflow.. :) but once the fix comes out to reduce the triangles even more it will be a viable one stop shop for game asset creation.

I plan to get some models from this on the asset store early next year.. :P
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Re: 3DF Zephyr On Sale

Postby SolarPortal » 24 Dec 2017, 13:06

Sounds good.. TattieBoJangle had a good tool for reducing polygons further.. i think it was called polycrusher or something and reduced a 1,000,000 poly model to about 5000 with good accuracy...
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Re: 3DF Zephyr On Sale

Postby epsilonion » 24 Dec 2017, 13:31

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Re: 3DF Zephyr On Sale

Postby SolarPortal » 24 Dec 2017, 13:38

yeah, sounds familiar.. Tattie would know for sure :)
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Re: 3DF Zephyr On Sale

Postby epsilonion » 24 Dec 2017, 14:07

Instant meshes is a FREE auto re-topology tool

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Re: 3DF Zephyr On Sale

Postby SpiderMack » 26 Dec 2017, 11:09

epsilonion wrote:The lowest I have got the triangles is 20k in there software but I believe there will be a fix to export lower.

Most other software you have to export to maya, 3dsmax etc to reduce the triangles

The software also allows you to export lod stages as well within the workflow.. :) but once the fix comes out to reduce the triangles even more it will be a viable one stop shop for game asset creation.

I plan to get some models from this on the asset store early next year.. :P

Some interesting use is clothes scan.

Most of the time you work with complete character libraries as a base start they provide you, but you work mainly on clothes, there is marvellous designer, but it's very expensive.
While you could scan clothes to get realistic wrinckles and sculpt modifications on top.
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Re: 3DF Zephyr On Sale

Postby epsilonion » 31 Dec 2017, 17:12

In the next Update

They are adding multi texturing and multispectral images support in the next update....

sounds interesting..

I like the idea of scanning cars and retopo to a usable polycount and re-colour yourself.


Well I am going to take a trip to a local garden centre and take some video's of plants to import into 3DF Zephyr, see how it goes.. :)
Photorelistic flowers.... sounds nice...
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Re: 3DF Zephyr On Sale

Postby epsilonion » 01 Feb 2018, 20:00

Well this is a test object a few holes in the mesh but why you would expect for 3d scan data.

Going to retopo it should be good result. Quite impressed so far with the software

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Re: 3DF Zephyr On Sale

Postby SolarPortal » 07 Feb 2018, 14:57

Looking good for the first model.. whats your plan to retopo it?
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Re: 3DF Zephyr On Sale

Postby epsilonion » 07 Feb 2018, 16:32

Doing it manually that way I get the look and feel I want form them, I know its going to take time but I dont like the idea of letting the software do it itself so I might as well do them myself.. :)

This one was a test and it was raining so not the best conditions dto do it in lol...

The Idea with surfaces is to make materials from them to be used on terrain/paths etc..
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