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Forester and Medusa - Vegetation and Rock Generator

Re: Forester and Medusa - Vegetation and Rock Generator

Postby lordalmighty1 » 22 May 2015, 19:26

some of the tree's I have been doing with forester pro, which I got the other day :). will be buying tree packs to expand on what I can make with this software soon.
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Re: Forester and Medusa - Vegetation and Rock Generator

Postby SolarPortal » 19 Jun 2015, 16:50

Forester is a very capable vegetation package for making trees to bushes and grass, we have it ourselves.
There are a few normal errors though with lighting in skyline and other engines i have tried and to fix them has required the use of a modelling package.
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Re: Forester and Medusa - Vegetation and Rock Generator

Postby razzer » 26 Feb 2018, 00:23

after opening these forrester and medusa , there doesn't seem to be any materials in em. the area is just empty.
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