wow, looking like a town
and aah, as we thought. This is the next performance upgrade for skyline, as everything is currently individual; we can start to static batch all the houses and objects.
We have had similar problems with scenes we have made.
Here are some performance enhances that will happen over the next few month:
- Skyline will use hardware instancing and static batching most objects by default, much like frostbite 3 engine.
This technique reduces the draw call on the GFX card, by passing more vertexs and material data through in single chunks rather than rendering each thing individually as it is now. - We have the basics of an occlusion culling system in place like those of umbra 3, which will only show the entities you can see at that moment in time.
- 64 bit, for memory purposes of large scenes.
As for the ocean, it renders as far as the far clipping plane, which can be adjusted in the scene setting panel.
The ocean does have a "complexity" level property that can be lowered in favor of performance, rather than quality.
Q> What sort of frames are you running at now.
Press the clock symbol on the main toobar to activate metrics, which displays FPS.