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learning the ropes of skyline :)

Re: learning the ropes of skyline :)

Postby lordalmighty1 » 01 Feb 2015, 17:03

I will take alook at the scene setting panel then :) thanks for advice info and such :)
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Re: learning the ropes of skyline :)

Postby TattieBoJangle » 01 Feb 2015, 17:43

We have the basics of an occlusion culling system in place like those of umbra 3, which will only show the entities you can see at that moment in time.

64 bit, for memory purposes of large scenes.

This will make a great upgrade and i cant wait :)
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Re: learning the ropes of skyline :)

Postby lordalmighty1 » 01 Feb 2015, 18:17

the fps with water on and set to default ocean settings was running at around 10fps lol. lots of water on view though most of the time. it basically put this map on stand still while water is on :(
however with water off the editor runs nicely at about 300fps give or take.
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Re: learning the ropes of skyline :)

Postby SolarPortal » 01 Feb 2015, 18:48

yes, we find that with the ocean enabled, it drops to around 30fps.
We do have plans for a faster water shader, that will most likely be used on the river editor aswell.
The ocean is slow due to several Render To Texture(RTT) calls. But it is currently the best form of water in skyline.
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Re: learning the ropes of skyline :)

Postby StarFire » 01 Feb 2015, 18:52

For the ocean you could load up the file "Basic" as this has a lower complexity and will help the fps. The ocean load button is in the bottom right of the environment editor.
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Re: learning the ropes of skyline :)

Postby StarFire » 01 Feb 2015, 18:57

With reference to the Umbra system, we have been in contact with Umbra in the past and they will allow us to use their system, but this was based on a higher retail price and us having an established user base. We will get back in touch with them again once we get over the current development phase and see what it would take to have their tech at the new low retail price.
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