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Skyline Release V0-9-4 Beta "Power to the syntax!"

Skyline Release V0-9-4 Beta "Power to the syntax!"

Postby StarFire » 28 Apr 2015, 21:19

Hi Guys, we have a new auto update release for you with some cool new features.

Skyline Scripting has advanced considerably in this release allowing you to create scripts that are customisable and reusable across many meshes, where you would have had to use a micro script to get the same result. With this new system, each entity can now have its own unique, dynamic properties displayed and adjustable at run time in their own new property tab.


There is also the new Custom Qt Editor plugins designed to allow you users to expand Skylines features and all without a single compile. Simply make the editor in QtDesigner or QtCreator and create a .lua script that controls it. Then you have full power of making your own skyline features( Please let us know what commands are missing and we will be on them ).


To compliment these cool new features, we now have the starting points of multi-select which allows you access to creating multi-presets.Which we know a few of you are waiting for ;)


for more detailed information please read the release log here:

Have a great Skyline day :D
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Re: Skyline Release V0-9-4 Beta "Power to the syntax!"

Postby TattieBoJangle » 28 Apr 2015, 21:40

This is one nice update! great work :D
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Re: Skyline Release V0-9-4 Beta "Power to the syntax!"

Postby ant0N » 29 Apr 2015, 13:35

wow, cool! great update.. :D :D :D
Sorry for my English. :)
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Re: Skyline Release V0-9-4 Beta "Power to the syntax!"

Postby Shando » 29 Apr 2015, 13:48

Indeed, cool update 8-)

One quick question......

I assume that we can't use ".qrc" resource files with the new plugins?? I tried one UI that I had built, but it kept giving me a blank page until I removed the reference to the .qrc file. Then it displayed perfectly :D


PS: Sorry, one other question - Is it possible to call another form from the main plugin form?
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Re: Skyline Release V0-9-4 Beta "Power to the syntax!"

Postby SolarPortal » 29 Apr 2015, 14:17

Thanks everyone, it certainly looks like a big update :)

@Shando, You can develop the .ui file inside qt using the .qrc resources.
But we had too change the way it works because .qrc files are compiled into the .exe application.

On the root of your plugins folder, define an "images" folder and place all the icons and images you use in the qrc file in that folder. When your plugin is loaded, it parses the .ui file and looks for the images used and will automagically make them appear.

If you could start a new topic on your Qt work and we can talk about it there. Also could you provide give an example of a form loading a form. Do you mean loading opening another plugin or keeping the form inside the same plugin. I am sure all are possible :)

The custom Editors will be updated a lot over the next couple of releases adding all the missing and required features ;)

Edit: You can also work in qt and load images without using a .qrc, it can load from harddrive which might help some users. :)
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Re: Skyline Release V0-9-4 Beta "Power to the syntax!"

Postby StevenP » 29 Apr 2015, 16:17

This is a very awesome sounding update! Thanks for the hard work.
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Re: Skyline Release V0-9-4 Beta "Power to the syntax!"

Postby SolarPortal » 01 May 2015, 16:19

There have been numerous errors found in this release such as presets re-saving themselves with extra entities and the camera system has been crashing when going to a new scene.

We are also adding a few new commands to add, remove etc.. from a qtreewidget and hopefully qtablewidget and qlistwidget.

Then we will release an update later on today or tomorrow to patch the V0.9.4 release and keep things working lol :P
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Re: Skyline Release V0-9-4 Beta "Power to the syntax!"

Postby Gtox » 02 Aug 2015, 16:50

Enjoying the new features - thanks, guys.
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Re: Skyline Release V0-9-4 Beta "Power to the syntax!"

Postby SolarPortal » 02 Aug 2015, 17:10

Enjoying the new features

Thanks Gtox, we hope they make your development more enjoyable :)
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