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Skyline Release V0.9.7.9 - Pandora

Skyline Release V0.9.7.9 - Pandora

Postby SolarPortal » 28 Jun 2016, 16:39

Hello Skyline Users,

Its been a while... but we finally have a new auto update release for you.
This focuses on many of the issues brought to us by yourselves related to the End game exporter and asset manager when converting materials and assets.

So we would love to hear if this version improves your experiences with skyline and hopefully some of you can export your games and levels to show off.

We still have no internet at home, but we will try our best to get connected as often as possible to check on any problems, but development has begun again as the studio is operational :)

Enjoy your skyline development! :D

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Re: Skyline Release V0.9.7.9 - Pandora

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 28 Jun 2016, 19:16

So we would love to hear if this version improves your experiences with skyline and hopefully some of you can export your games and levels to show off.

The .exe publish is much better...I have found a problem with it though...When holding shift to run, I have added code to speed up the walk animation and added a run sound...This only works correctly in the editor...In the Player and .exe it does not work at all ...No sound or increased speed of animation...The player does move faster, but stays in walk animation with walk sound...

The second problem is picking up health...It shows that health goes to 100%, but player ends up dying before it reaches 0...It is keeping the health where it was before the pickup...This is in Editor, Player, and .exe.....

The third problem is exe crashes when entering trigger to change levels to another scene...

These are not major problems...I don't have time right now to get with you with code and all that...I will try to find time soon...
Overall this is a great update...Especially under the circumstances....Thanks...CO
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Re: Skyline Release V0.9.7.9 - Pandora

Postby TattieBoJangle » 28 Jun 2016, 20:18

We still have no internet at home, but we will try our best to get connected as often as possible to check on any problems, but development has begun again as the studio is operational :)

Would be good to have you guys back working on Skyline ;) I hate coming on each day to no news :lol:
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Re: Skyline Release V0.9.7.9 - Pandora

Postby StarFire » 30 Jun 2016, 16:21

Well here's some news for today Tatty lol,
still no internet but we have heard back from a satellite provider and they have mentioned that we should be able to get up to 20mb download and up to 6mb upload. We can work with this speed so hope to get an account this week, but dont know how long it will take to install?
SP has settled into the studio and slowly getting back into dev mode whiles I am still moving boxes and trying to get our new home space liveable again, starting to get withdrawal symptoms from not using Skyline!! :lol: hope it wont be too long as I will have forgotten how to code :shock:

@CO good that most of the update is working for you. The end game for some reason is not recognising the "Shift " key so dont think its is your code and will be fixed soon(ish). As for the other issues SP will have a look for you and see if there's a quick fix. :D
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Re: Skyline Release V0.9.7.9 - Pandora

Postby epsilonion » 30 Jun 2016, 19:08

Great to see another update despite the lack of internet lol, you guys have all the luck... please keep it I dont need any LMFAO...

Just wondering how the DX11 stuff is going did you fix the issues you was having with it? Just thought I would ask cos I havent heard anything on it for a while and been very busy and lost a friend recently so kind of hectic here as well..
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Re: Skyline Release V0.9.7.9 - Pandora

Postby StarFire » 07 Jul 2016, 10:38

just popped into the library and use their internet. Ok Liam SP has found some time to have play with the new renderer and this is still looking great so DX 11 is stilling pretty in the back ground, oh and the shadows and lighting are awesome. unfortunately there wont be an official release for a while yet but we have been chatting about the possibility of setting up an early access for a few of our power users. ;)
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