by SpiderMack » 23 Jul 2018, 19:48
Good work, the new entity attach works well.
But right in scene list view on some object, it does nothing, there is no menu (copy,paste, delete or others object actions)
Why loosing time trying to make some survival game instead of fixing important bugs or bring missing features like cinematic post effects ?
The list of bugs and missing features is almost the same from many months.
I made some quick tests and there is old bugs still not fixed and new ones.
- Trying to paint terrain textures over existing textures doesn't work, sometimes there is a very small color change, but the textures doesn't paint over the texture below whatever i use angles like 0-90 for slope.
- Tablet doesn't work with terrain sculpt or paint
- dropping zombies np on level, baking the navmesh, the zombies are taken as static, so they make holes on the navmesh.
- delete navmesh no more work
- The same navmesh bugs with weird rotations