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Skyline Patch 0.7.5 auto update

Skyline Patch 0.7.5 auto update

Postby StarFire » 05 Mar 2014, 16:03

Hi Friends,

We have been very busy chasing down some more of Skylines stability issues. There has been many areas that if a file or user input was incorrect Skyline would throw a tantrum and crash. To prevent this we have provided console feedback to inform the user that something is wrong and a message pointing out how to overcome the issue without closing down Skyline. With this new version update you should now have a more pleasant development path for your game and be able to focus on using the tools rather than lots of crashes and restarts.

We have expanded the Lua API with around 50 new commands and update the online API to reflect the new additions, this gives you much more control to develop your own mechanics. A new event has been added to help game set up with out the asynchronous and ID ordering problems.

GUI Editor:
The big feature for this release is the new GUI Editor.


This is a complete system contained with in Skyline so no more external editors and backflips to get even a simple interface up and running. We have provided many examples in the new tech demos and also from the GUI folder to run inside the new editor. The GUI system also comes with many commands to give you much dynamic control whilst creating your new interface. On top of this we have also provided a custom UI which can be used to create in game/app interfaces complete with sliders, labels, buttons all with a Skyline look. This ui is optional as you can easily create any game screen type of ui, check out the pearl diver screens. We will be working on the user manual soon but for now you can use the Gui Editors Help menu for more details on gui events and other syntax. The editor uses a simple HTML and CSS2 standard to develop the ui so good use of <div> tags and ids again check out the provided examples. See below for more information.
(A big thanks to Shando for helping with the previous ui system, your help lead us to the new system! )

As always we are striving to get our favourite game development software as stable as possible so please let us know if you are getting any crashes or strange issues so we can get them fixed as soon as possible.

To get your new update just ensure you are connected to the internet and open Skyline, the new update should start automatically, if you have any problems please get in touch with tech support.

Update Log:

New: Editor remembers last layout used and will open to this current layout when Skyline is next opened.
New: Garbage Collection(Memory Unloading) when opening a scene or create a new scene
New: The normal micro script action can now take collision events
New: Fully functioning GUI Editor. See below for more details.
New: RMB context menu Add micro script changes to Edit micro script once added to an object. This makes it quicker to open the objects micro script thus speeding up workflow.
New: Recent files menu option has been added. The most recent scene will be stored in the menu for the next time you run Skyline.
New: Techdemo: GUI Game Screen example
New: Techdemo: GUI Health Bar
New: Techdemo: GUI to Lua interaction
New: Techdemo: VJ1

Updated: Skyline is much faster at checking whether you are connected to the internet.
Updated: Skyline Editor: Scroll bars now highlight
Updated: Action - Simple character controller now adjusts the height of the character so it always sits on the ground rather than falling through
Updated: snippets - Event section to contain a new lua event postInit()
Updated: Animate mode now prevents micro scripts from running to provide a pure animation only mode. Scripts will only run in main game mode.

Fixed: Many small bugs and glitches.
Fixed: Animations: When reloading a scene entity it may have crashed when an animation was selected after the first one.
Fixed: Skyline Core(Stability): When deleting an entity that contains a micro script, the next time you pressed play and stopped, it would crash.
Fixed: Skyline Core(Stability): When loading the next scene, entities with the same ID as last held previous data if the new entity did not have as many properties.
Fixed: Skyline Core(Stability): When dynamic entities were destroyed. Skyline tries to delete the item out the scene entity list, but it doesn’t exist to delete.
Fixed: LUA: Skyline would have crashed if you added a physics body to an entityID that does not exist!
Fixed: LUA: When Passing -1 to any function of the anim class, it would have crashed.
Fixed: LUA: When Passing -1 to any function of the physics class, it would have crashed.
Fixed: LUA: When Passing -1 to any function of the entity class, it would have crashed.
Fixed: LUA: SetRotation by id is now caught if the entity id is < 0
Fixed: Crash when saving a scene with edited camera bookmarks. Camera Bookmark "Default" has been prevented from deletion as the system requires there to be a default bookmark. ( Hint: use over right to reset the Default to your scene default camera position.)
Fixed: Bookmark rotations returned incorrectly. Now they should be fully usable again.
Fixed: Calling a fixed camera from lua and start/stop the animate button stopped all editor movement. Camera mode now only works in play game mode.
Fixed: Lua callFn() crashed when calling a script with a higher entity ID than itself. callFn can no longer be called from a scripts onInit() Please call in the new event postInit()
Fixed: up scaled convex ridgid bodys now work as expected.
Fixed: gizmo would use the default size rather than the current scene version. Now opens with the correct size. This is very important when working with small FOV for 2D styled games.
Fixed: There was an error in our physx update loop for vehicles being seen as normal scene entities with physics.
Fixed: issues when pressing play whilst in animate mode. Anim mode will now exit and be disabled for the duration that the play the game button is pressed.
Fixed: Lua: Physics.deleteParticleFX(); if id was 0 or less it would have crashed.
Fixed: Lua: when mixing sky particles and particle universe in the same scene, it would have crashed after the second run.

Lua: Events:
Lua: postInit() - this event is fired after all onInit() functions have being called. Use the onInit() to set up the scripts data and use postInit() to call any initializer commands that interact with other scripts, such as the callFn ().

Lua: Physics
Lua: physics.setImpulseAtPoint()
Lua: physics.setLocalImpulse()
Lua: physics.setLocalImpulseAtPoint()
Lua: physics.setForceAtPoint()
Lua: physics.setLocalForce()
Lua: physics.setLocalForceAtPoint()
Lua: physics.getRotation()
Lua: physics.getPosition()
Lua: physics.getVelocityMagnitude()
Lua: physics.setLinearDamping()
Lua: physics.getLinearDamping()
Lua: physics.setAngularDamping()
Lua: physics.getAngularDamping()
Lua: physics.rayFromPointByAxis() - basically takes a vector3 direction instead of vector4 orientation like rayFromPoint
Lua: physics.setCollisionFlag()
Lua: physics.getGameType(hitID) - returns a predefined game type for checking if objects are part of a collection in physics collision events
Lua: physics.setGameType(obj,"fish") - returns a predefined game type for checking if objects are part of a collection in physics collision events

Lua: Entity
Lua: entity.attach();
Lua: entity.detach();

Lua: Sound
Lua: sound.isPlaying();
Lua: sound.stopSound();

Lua: Changes made to existing functions
Lua: function - OnMouseMove(x,y) was incorrect as the mouse position on screen was based on the entire window, not the local renderer widget. It is now changed so x and y always have 0,0 at the top corner of the renderscreen.

See the lua api for more information

GUI Editor:
Skyline now boasts its own real-time GUI Editor. By using a simple html and css script you can create almost any ui. Changes can be seen and played with instantly in the gui editors ui view. A special set of ui commands can also be added to the html to create and test fully dynamic Uis with our leaving the GUI editor. Build anything from an application interface to full game huds and screens. Skyline is also opened up to 2D sprite based content via the new gui system and lua commands.

Real time feedback of UI
Custom commands to provide dynamic content
Simple Html and css to create the UI
Built in Help and Event API
Fully interactive with Lua.

Gui Editor Lua functions
Lua: gui
Lua: gui.setFontFamily( String bodyId, String ElementID, String fontName);
Lua: gui.setFontWeight( String bodyId, String ElementID, String weight);
Lua: gui.setFontStyle( String bodyId, String ElementID, String style);
Lua: gui.setProperty( String bodyId, String ElementID, String param, String value);
Lua: gui.setFontSize( String bodyId, String ElementID, String color);
Lua: gui.setBackgroundColor( String bodyId, String ElementID, String color);
Lua: gui.setFontColor( String bodyId, String ElementID, String color);
Lua: gui.setText( String bodyId, String childID, String text);
Lua: gui.setPosition( String bodyId, String childID, int x, int y);
Lua: gui.setPosY( String bodyId, String childID, int y);
Lua: gui.setPosX( String bodyId, String childID, int x);
Lua: gui.setScaleX( String bodyId, String childID, int w);
Lua: gui.setScaleXCent( String bodyId, String childID, int w);
Lua: gui.setScaleY( String bodyId, String childID, int w);
Lua: gui.setScaleYCent( String bodyId, String childID, int w);
Lua: String bodyId, String childID);
Lua: gui.hide( String bodyId, String childID);
Lua: gui.setFullScreen( String bodyId);
Lua: gui.setWindowPosition( String bodyId,int x, int y);
Lua: gui.setWindowSize( String bodyId,int x, int y);
Lua: gui.workSpace(String workspace_folder);
Lua: gui.string body_id = gui.load(String FileName, int posX, int posY);
Lua: gui.gui.enableGameInput( int state_keys, int state_mouse );
Lua: gui.gui.hideCursor();
Lua: gui.gui.showCursor();

This is an auto update, to get your copy just ensure you are connected to the internet and open Skyline, the new update should start automatically, if you have any problems please get in touch with tech support.

Have fun!
Your Skyline Development team :D
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Re: Skyline Patch 0.7.5 auto update

Postby DanilDzyuba » 05 Mar 2014, 17:23

Like it 8-)
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Re: Skyline Patch 0.7.5 auto update

Postby athena2013 » 05 Mar 2014, 21:44

love the new update so cool! :)
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