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scripting tutorials

scripting tutorials

Postby cassius_b » 07 Jul 2019, 20:31

In my opinion video tutorials on scripting are not much use. It is difficult to read code on a video screen even with good eyesight, let alone remember it. So instead of scripting tutorials why not just have well commented example code ( in the api ref)?
Any opinions?
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Re: scripting tutorials

Postby StarFire » 08 Jul 2019, 10:58

Certainly, we have planned and some already underway, new tutorials explaining the new character controller managers, the new editor apis and lua sdk.
Recently we have added a huge amount of new commands and better passing of arguments such as the new types, vectors, colours, quats rather then the x,y,z of the legacy lua in your current version.
On a side note, the legacy lua code will still work with the new Gen3 version ;)

I imagine you have gone through all of the examples scripting the folder

So bottom line is yes... lots of examples are going to be reqired.
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Re: scripting tutorials

Postby epsilonion » 12 Jul 2019, 14:30

What kind of examples do you require? basics, implementing hooks from the API etc? or anything more specific?

Whats your preferred documents type (out of interest):

  1. step one do this, step two do that with what each step does.
  2. code blocks with example and text that explain what each block of code does.
  3. other...

My preferred type is 2 personally but everyone has there own style of learning.
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Re: scripting tutorials

Postby cassius_b » 12 Jul 2019, 20:03

I like well commented code.
video tuts are ok for graphics but not coding.( just my opinion.)
I am not asking for anything specific, just giving my opinion on this subject.
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