Hey Everyone!,
We noticed that users might not get or make sense of the new changes and how to get your older scenes to work still.
So we have made a couple of videos to help
1) On a default scene, where can you find the new fps easily and get going immediately.
Check out this video :
2) For those of you who are already creating your game, then you will want to know how to make the older FPS still work so you don't have to change much, then check out this video:
Note: In the video, you may have noticed that we replaced the older FPS model with the new one. You don't have to use the newer FPS if you have custom scripts on your current FPS but we do encourage it as the FPS is a lot better game play and a higher visual quality when shooting as all the animations work.
Using the newer FPS is better because you can add as many weapons as you want now