Thank you for your advice, the screen shots look OK on the document, might be loosing quality when converting them to PDF will adjust some settings..
This revision of the book is about starting to use the engine, all about how to use the editors and what the buttons do, where to find the settings for things and a road map type thing of the buttons and an explanation of what they do.
I am showing the scripts and assets that come with the engine and highlighting how easy it is to use compared to other engines, I will not really be coding anything myself in this book, it is basically a getting up to speed with the engine, its editors and layout.
I will update it as I learn how to do specific things mind you and when the visual mechanics editor comes out I will show how to do doors, switches and the basic's like that as "this is some of the basic things you can do with it" and when I learn more about it then put more advanced stuff in that section or create a separate mini book dedicated to each editor (have not decided on this yet).
I was planning on putting a list of LUA API commands and functions towards the end of it so people can print it off and have a hard copy reference while there coding etc, I am looking at doing things like that, I think it could be useful for people new to the engine.
For the next book:
I was thinking about doing a step by step creating a basic game but that is way way in the future as I am learning myself, I kind of know what I want to do and pseudo code it on paper then its just converting it to that to something that works, that's the sort of stage I am at but with the mechanics editor that will make life a hell of a lot easier.
I am getting there and doing this book has advanced my learning quite a lot to be honest, it has also broadened my mind in the way of thinking about what I would like to do as a first project although it may be a bit advanced for me at the moment.
I am finding it extremely enjoyable been apart of this community and actually doing something to help has given me a good feeling as well..