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Rebooting the Community game, or not

Rebooting the Community game, or not

Postby sfarza » 04 Jul 2014, 14:05

Hello it's been a while since i last logged on the forums (lost all my data in December of last year), i managed to get some old backups and found this forum. :cry:

I've read most of the topics, and I've noticed that many there are many people wanting to make a FPS game. I think that is a good thing to try to make a simple multiplayer game that isn't yet another battlefield or quake-like game, I want to make a game that is team/objective-based game that would also be in an open world environment.

here are some games that are some games that have inspired me:

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and Brink. those games were produced by id soft and developed by Splash Damage.

for the open world this is a bit harder but there are some game that does it nicely:
Skyrim, Fallout 3, Arma 2 and 3.

for the gameplay its rather simple/modest pure fps, no xp gain from kills just from using a weapon (knife, grenade, gun, rifle and etc) each starting character will have its core setup randomized, strengh, dex, constitution and, those will change by using repeatedly each ability (snipe, knife throwing and stuff like, might hide some abilities like dual wielding guns and whatnot. no progression bar everything. just core abilities will show (might think about this later)

so far that's all i've got any input/idea/comment?
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Re: Rebooting the Community game, or not

Postby StarFire » 04 Jul 2014, 14:23

Great to hear from you sfarza :D

I think FPS would be a good start. We are currently revamping the FPS System and other fps style mechanics so you will have these in the next update or the latest the one after. ( Updates are planned to be frequent now the new release is available )

We will provide any help we can by adding the mechanics or at the least making the features available from Lua.

Hopefully others may come back to this project if someone takes the lead and gets the project rolling. ;)
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Re: Rebooting the Community game, or not

Postby sfarza » 05 Jul 2014, 00:45

that is good news, i can start making a software engineering document (SCRUM method) with some UML diagrams of the game to give a better idea.

Do you guys intend to have mantle API support?
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Re: Rebooting the Community game, or not

Postby StarFire » 05 Jul 2014, 14:47

We don't currently have any plans to support mantle as it is currently only for a specific range of cards but if it becomes widely supported by the industry, thats another thing. Obviously it would be nice to include this and Cuda, may be see where the future takes us ;)
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