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area transition tutorial

area transition tutorial

Postby lordalmighty1 » 31 Jan 2015, 12:30

I was wondering if there was a tutorial on how to go from outside to inside on 2 different maps and link them together please?.
like for example im outside and about to enter a sewer or other enclosed area which would not easily see the outside world, and be made on a 2nd map scene that has nothing of the previous map scene on it.

is there a special way to do this with the action editor ect?.
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Re: area transition tutorial

Postby SolarPortal » 31 Jan 2015, 12:35

you can load a different scene using the lua command.

Code: Select all

You could use a trigger box sat around the door, that when entered can activate a key to press that loads the next level.

There is also a techdemo in the:
"Asset Library\Scenes\Tech Demos\Misc\Level Loading_Main.xSkyScene"
This is a gui scene, that loads 3 other scenes and can load back to the main level again :)
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Re: area transition tutorial

Postby lordalmighty1 » 31 Jan 2015, 12:39

nice, thanks I will try the tech demo :)
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