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in engine recorder

in engine recorder

Postby lordalmighty1 » 25 Mar 2015, 23:37

ok, so for cutscenes made with the game levels, is it possible to somehow have an inengine screen recorder, that saves to skyline for use ingames?. for cutscenes and fly throughs of levels and such like that?. added with a wizard on putting it into the game at the right place lol?? instead of running fraps or other 3rd party screen capture softwares which always drop game performance maybe you could include 1 of sorts that's lower cost to fps?
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Re: in engine recorder

Postby SolarPortal » 30 Mar 2015, 14:53

this is definitely something in the pipeline already. We were aiming for a system that makes it easy to record what happens in the editor for tech support and posting on the forum. But an actual frame renderer would be cool. More like the modelling packages.
Running in real time, the frame rate may be 10 fps and jumpy, but the recording of the video will always be at 60 for smooth cutscenes, but this will take time for the processing of the videos.

This is a technique a lot of the top engines use for their videos when showing game footage or tech reels/demos.
It's kind of cheating when they say it ran 100% in real time in a game engine, but was rendered out frame by frame for smoothness.
Skyline Game Engine - Lead Dev.
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