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Database intergration

Database intergration

Postby epsilonion » 30 Oct 2017, 19:53

I know this is on the Road Map but I came across a LUA library called LuaSQL that has been mentioned on loads of forums and websites. well here it is..

LuaSQL is free software and uses the same license as Lua 5.1.

Tuitorial how to use it:

hope this helps in bringing it into skyline.. :P

For simple data operations, we may use files, but, sometimes, these file operations may not be efficient, scalable, and powerful. For this purpose, we may often switch to using databases. LuaSQL is a simple interface from Lua to a number of database management systems. LuaSQL is the library, which provides support for different types of SQL. This include,

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Re: Database intergration

Postby SolarPortal » 02 Nov 2017, 12:06

Thanks for the find on the lua sql, would be good to implement at some point :)
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Re: Database intergration

Postby epsilonion » 03 Nov 2017, 09:15

There are some for c/c++ on git hub as well
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