When people start making complex AI , instead of writting thousand lines of code , there is visual editors to manage that graphically like Finite State Machine or Behaviour Tree graphs.
Is this possible Skygraph to get the possibility to create FSM or BT ?
Skygraph could produce runing code like actually , or code to be used in FSM or BT and would allow to create FSM and BT.
For example some very popular Unity plugin is "Playmaker" , it's based on FSM and avoids you to write code as all gameplay and states are done in FSM.
Behaviour Designer is one among other BT editors usefull to write AI code
It's not a personnal request, i don't need BT or FSM in Skyline, but this could be a great addition later, allowing reducing code writting as they manage game states or FSM making it easy for beginners like Playmaker users.