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Physics rotation constraints

Physics rotation constraints

Postby SpiderMack » 23 Dec 2017, 22:53


This is a very common usage in other 3D engines, using a capsule collider to make character controllers or using navmesh navigation. It needs to get rotation constraint on Y, so it can only rotate on Y axis as needed.

I hope this most needed feature will get on board for next update :)

(There is simple character controller or player controller, but those are tied to Skyline with their own mechanics and underlying logic and way of using them, they can't be used as a new base to make your own character controllers from scratch with full custom logic).
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Re: Physics rotation constraints

Postby SolarPortal » 24 Dec 2017, 13:11

The simple character controller is used to make your own mechanics as it is just the physics capsule. You then program what to do with it ;)
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