Been thinking guys and going forward we really need something to fix
1. The image files are getting crazy in projects having D,N,R,S,E,AO maps the end game is going to be huge in size
2. Memory is going to be a thing also having all they maps yes it helps if they are all the same size but still going to be an issue.
3. Performance due to the way the Texture Arrays work we would see massive improvements if atlases where added.
So what I am asking for is this we have the ability to create atlases our self but we need skyline to be able to read the xml file that stores all the data in the atlas with their coordinates and sizes ect, this would let us convert a model that has say 6 textures times that by channels D,N,R,S,E,AO that's 36 textures down to 6 or if you only use 1 channel that's 6 textures down to 1. Below is an example the 6 images have been packed and is 1px space you can have it more
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<sprite file="testimage.bmp" name="testimage">
<frame name="1" x="1" y="1" w="1024" h="1024" />
<frame name="2" x="1026" y="1" w="1024" h="1024" />
<frame name="3" x="2051" y="1" w="1024" h="1024" />
<frame name="4" x="1" y="1026" w="1024" h="1024" />
<frame name="5" x="1026" y="1026" w="1024" h="1024" />
<frame name="6" x="2051" y="1026" w="1024" h="1024" />