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Scene entity window to show more items

Scene entity window to show more items

Postby howler » 13 Apr 2014, 14:14

Hopefully I'm just looking in the wrong place and this feature's somewhere around already. As a new user with no idea I'm finding the scene entity window (hopefully that's the right name, I'm not in front of the editor to confirm) invaluable for identifying the parts of the scene - but I'm finding there's bits in my scene I can't find. If the loaded scene has a skybox for example, I can't spot anywhere that it has a skybox configured unless I happen to go looking in the skybox editor. It would make my life as someone trying to learn the engine substantially easier if there was some easy link telling me I had a skybox and a spline and anything else that's making up my scene but doesn't have a discrete entry - as line items in the scene entity window.
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