For any feature requests to either the Skyline Engine or the websites and forums please leave your suggestion here.

Continue to move / resize / rotate when mouse off the screen

Continue to move / resize / rotate when mouse off the screen

Postby howler » 05 May 2014, 12:09

If I'm moving an object using the object handles, when I click the handle the mouse pointer disappears. If I drag the mouse a long way (trying to move / rotate / resize by a large amount) the object will stop transforming when the (invisible) mouse cursor reaches the edge of the screen. The mouse cursor will also now appear (when the mouse button is released) no longer on the handles, but wherever it would be if you hadn't transformed the object.

I would suggest that the mouse should always stay (end up) on the handle you'd originally clicked on, and that you should be able to resize/rotate/move the object as far as you want whilever the mouse button is still held, not just until the mouse cursor reaches the edge of the screen.
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