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Postby ant0N » 23 Jan 2015, 06:25

it would be cool to have a ready template AI in the engine. :D
Not only the search path, but also a component of the system of priorities that can be expanded.
For example, it can be done like so:
1) The added component AI to the character.
2) select the actions component (to walk, to patrol, to sleep...).
3) set priorities for each action.
4) install the breaker for action.
5) ....

If you are interested, we can consider all the details . :)
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Re: AI

Postby SolarPortal » 23 Jan 2015, 14:07

thanks for the post antON,
StarFire will respond as this is her area of work, just wanted to let you know we have seen your message and will respond :D
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Re: AI

Postby StarFire » 23 Jan 2015, 15:45

Hi antON, The new visual module system should cover all of the AI needs. We are looking to use this for all of the game mechanics and game systems as it is looking far more flexible than the actions system. ( and quicker for us to develop core modules) The actions will be left for complete systems and integrations and the modules system to be used to design and create full game mechanics.

We hope to provide enough core modules where you can then create you own re-usable systems which will run as fast as actions and way faster than lua but with greater user design. Also we plan to include ui elements so you can create your own editor side interfaces, great for Ai development

I am looking forward to re-writing the AI for the FPS using the modules but this time anyone will be able to re configure them to create their own unique game AI. The ideas you mention are also similar to my own when designing AI systems so we can chat about this a little later.

As soon as we have a module system available you will be one of the first users to be able to test it out ;)
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Re: AI

Postby ant0N » 23 Jan 2015, 15:57

Hi! This sounds awesome! Exactly what I need... :D :D
I know that such things are not easy to do, but is there an approximate release date? :)
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Re: AI

Postby StarFire » 23 Jan 2015, 16:09

Its hard to predict a release for the new system but I will not be sleeping until its up and running lol :lol:

I think we should have a functioning version in the next few weeks, if not for the next release (soon) it will be the following. This version may not be pretty but should have enough to get testing with. I will keep progress logged onto the visual editor topic. :D
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Re: AI

Postby ant0N » 23 Jan 2015, 16:13

Thank you! Sounds very reassuring.. :D
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