over time the list of commands will be added.
- Code: Select all
1 body.CreateBox(size)
2 body.CreateCylinder()
3 body.CreateCone()
4 body.CreateSphere(radius)
5 body.CreateTree()
6 body.CreateHull()
- Code: Select all
1 body.addForce(body, Vec3, Global = 1) --If the global parameter is 0 the velocity will be set along the body's own axes
2 body.addTorque(body, Vec3, Global = 1)
3 body.addVelocity()
- Code: Select all
1 body.setMass(body, float)
2 body.setGravity(body, float)
3 body.setMassCenter(body, Vec3)
4 body.setElasticity(body, float) --Set the elasticity of a body to a value between 0 and 1, 1.0 being the maximum
5 body.setSoftness(body, float)
6 body.setFriction(body, float)
7 body.setBuoyancy(body, int) --Sets a body's buoyancy mode (set this to 1 if the body should be able to float, otherwise 0)
8 body.setVelocity(body, Vec3, Global = 1) --Sets the body velocity. If the global parameter is 0 the velocity will be set along the body's own axes. This can be used to make a car move forward regardless of its orientation
9 body.setTorque(body, Vec3, Global = 1)
10 body.setForce(body, Vec3, Global = 1)
- Code: Select all
1 body.getVelocity(body)
2 body.getMass(body)