I noticed the Dynamic NxOgre lib in the Skyline folder so I'll assume Skyline is using NxOgre which utilizes PhysX for Skyline physics engine. A question I had in mind is: when distributing my game to players will they have to install PhysX Software System? I'm pretty sure they would have to (from what I've read in Ogre Add-on forum comments) I just want to confirm from you guys if this is correct.
Although, I didn't have to install PhysX Software System to get Skyline running... so I'm confused, do I have to advice my players about installing the additional set of libraries?
It's not a big deal anyway, PhysX lib is not a huge asset (filesize wise). I'm just curious how this pans out, maybe I can find a way of including an installer for PhysX in my game installer so that the players wouldn't have to do the extra bit of installing physx by themselves.