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Set up physics for a door?

Set up physics for a door?

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 22 Oct 2015, 21:08

Is there any info on how to set up the physics for a door...I have the door working, opening and closing...But, the physics body is being left in the doorway when door is open...this makes it where the character cannot go through the doorway...

I have tried every combination of physics on the door...any help would be appreciated....thanks
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Re: Set up physics for a door?

Postby SolarPortal » 22 Oct 2015, 21:23

I have an idea, just need to test it :)
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Re: Set up physics for a door?

Postby SolarPortal » 22 Oct 2015, 22:50

Hey, i had a bit of a go and had a pretty successful go at it as well.
It is all possible within one line hehe... well it is simply the code below placed after all movements have occurred.

Code: Select all
physics.setRotation(bodyID, entity.getWorldOrientation(obj));

What i used: I made a door with the pivot in the bottom right corner and added a rigidbody with kinematic physics. I also used the convex mesh hull as it will always surround the mesh correctly and is much easier than the box as it requires an offset.

Added a microscript and programmed a door from it and used the above command to set the kinematic body position.
Here is the full script:

Code: Select all
-- | User Vars
reverse = -1;      -- | Set this to -1 to rotate the door the other way. Set 1 to move positive.
doorSpeed = 150;    -- | Controls how fast the door opens and closes. Its large as it is using timedelta.
openAngle = 90;     -- | This is the maximum angle the door can open. Great for blocked doors.
closeAngle = 0;     -- | This is the close angle. 0 is starting point.

-- | System Vars
opendoor = false;
closedoor = false;
currentAngle = 0;
bodyID = -1;
obj = 0;

function onInit(objID)
   obj = objID;

function postInit()
   bodyID = physics.getBodyID(obj);

function onKeyDown( key )
      if(opendoor == true)then
         opendoor = false;
         closedoor = true;
      elseif(opendoor == false)then
         opendoor = true;
         closedoor = false;
      opendoor = false;
      closedoor = true;

function onUpdate( timeDelta )
   elapsedTime = timeDelta;
   if(elapsedTime > 0.25)then elapsedTime = 0.25; end
   if(bodyID < 0)then return; end
   if(opendoor == true )then
      speed = doorSpeed * elapsedTime;
      if(reverse > 0)then
         if(currentAngle < openAngle)then
            entity.turn(obj, 0, speed, 0);
            currentAngle = currentAngle + speed;
      elseif(reverse < 0)then
         if(currentAngle > -openAngle)then
            entity.turn(obj, 0, -speed, 0);
            currentAngle = currentAngle - speed;
   if(closedoor == true)then
      if(reverse > 0)then
         if(currentAngle > closeAngle)then
            entity.turn(obj, 0, -speed, 0);
            currentAngle = currentAngle - speed;   
      elseif(reverse < 0)then
         if(currentAngle < -closeAngle)then
            entity.turn(obj, 0, speed, 0);
            currentAngle = currentAngle + speed;   

function updatePhysics()
   physics.setRotation(bodyID, entity.getWorldOrientation(obj));

Note: This door mechanic will work on a door that is set at any angle on the Y axis. It means you can rotate the door to any angle and then the door will rotate to max and back again.

I will be releasing a new demo soon which has an opening door and will be converting this script into a dynamic property script for re usability.

Hope this helps :D
Skyline Game Engine - Lead Dev.
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Re: Set up physics for a door?

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 23 Oct 2015, 08:05

This is great...Thanks...At the moment I am working on a sliding door...vertical sliding up...I will keep this code to use at a later date...Sorry for the late reply, I have been working late a lot of the time lately...
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Re: Set up physics for a door?

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 23 Oct 2015, 08:35

Still having problems with sliding door...
Thanks, CreativeOcclusion
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Re: Set up physics for a door?

Postby SolarPortal » 23 Oct 2015, 13:14

aah, lol :P i just assumed the door rotated.
I should never judge a door by its hinges lmao :lol:

try using this command then :)

Code: Select all
physics.setPosition(bodyID, entity.getWorldPosition(obj));

Note: The physics pivot and the entity pivot must match. If not add the offset required in a vec3 and pass it like this.

Code: Select all
offset = newType.vec3( 0, 1, 0 );
pos = newType.vec3( entity.getWorldPosition(obj) );
pos.x = pos.x + offset.x;
pos.y = pos.x + offset.y;
pos.z = pos.x + offset.z;
physics.setPosition(bodyID, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);

I hope this helps :D
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Re: Set up physics for a door?

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 23 Oct 2015, 20:35

Thanks for the help...We got it working....
Thanks, CreativeOcclusion
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Re: Set up physics for a door?

Postby SolarPortal » 23 Oct 2015, 20:43

Good news :)

I will release the demo of the rotating door once complete :D
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Re: Set up physics for a door?

Postby SolarPortal » 02 Nov 2015, 14:53

i forgot to make a video to showcase the rotating door, so here it is:

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Re: Set up physics for a door?

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 02 Nov 2015, 18:45

i forgot to make a video to showcase the rotating door, so here it is:

Thanks...Good job...
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Re: Set up physics for a door?

Postby TattieBoJangle » 02 Nov 2015, 20:16

Is there an option to have the physics follow the door as it goes around in turn giving the door force sort of thing when I say physics I mean the collision so it pushes the player or an object as it opens closes ;)
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Re: Set up physics for a door?

Postby SolarPortal » 02 Nov 2015, 21:29

if you try and walk into the door while its moving, the character wont be able to go through the door unless the door is coming towards you as the player or if you are standing still. If you follow the door as its opening or closing and catch it up, you won't walk through it.

When i was building it, we already decided that we needed to add this feature, but have not found the time yet :)
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Re: Set up physics for a door?

Postby TattieBoJangle » 02 Nov 2015, 21:39

Ahh I see no probs i was just wondering if it was possible as would be cool for a few other things I could think of ;)
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Re: Set up physics for a door?

Postby SolarPortal » 02 Nov 2015, 21:44

yeah, this feature is needed so other characters can walk into you and move you. Hit a character with a car and you will want the character to go flying especially with ragdoll lol :P As you say, i am sure there are more :)
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