Anything to do with physics. Rigid Bodies, Kinematic controllers, vehicles etc.

moving objects

moving objects

Postby cassius_b » 29 Apr 2016, 15:46

When my player collides with a barrel I want the barrel to roll away after impact. Is it possible to set a lower mass for the barrel and can the player mass be set?
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Re: moving objects

Postby SolarPortal » 29 Apr 2016, 16:09

There is currently an error with the new FPS which is stopping dynamic rigidbodies being pushed. Check out this post for more information to try:
Skyline Game Engine - Lead Dev.
Please provide as much info as possible when asking for help.

Specs: OS: Win 10 64bit, CPU: Intel i7 4770 3.4ghz x 4 core(8 threads), GPU: Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB, Ram: 16gig DDR3, Windows on 250gb Samsung Evo 860

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