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Change Physics

Change Physics

Postby SpiderMack » 10 Oct 2017, 08:45


I seen this great video

Should it be some option added in the character controller parameters to specify a new capsule height for the crouch position ?

Without a new collision heigh parameter for crouch, in gameplay you will get character blocked in crouch position trying to walk under some bridge or raycast touching player when it is crouched.
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Re: Change Physics

Postby SolarPortal » 10 Oct 2017, 13:01

Crouch can be achieved by using the
Code: Select all
character.setDimensions(obj, radius, height)
functions which was a very recent addition to recreate the capsule to change the height of the player for crouch, prone etc...
it just hasnt been programmed into any mechanics that come out the box yet.

there is also the
Code: Select all
controller.setDimensions(dccID, radius, height)
if your using a spawned character controller.
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