Anything to do with physics. Rigid Bodies, Kinematic controllers, vehicles etc.

Vehicles stop when they hit non-level surfaces

Vehicles stop when they hit non-level surfaces

Postby howler » 17 Apr 2014, 13:25

In the vehicle demos, the vehicles (the porche/charger at least) have a tendency to stop / get stuck if they hit an angled part of the terrain (drive the porche off the road in the island demo and it gets stuck on almost all of the terrain). How do you make the vehicle more tollerent of non-flat terrain/objects please?
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Re: Vehicles stop when they hit non-level surfaces

Postby SolarPortal » 17 Apr 2014, 14:16

you could increase the spring length in the car file code.

Edit the maxSuspensionTravel in the cars .car file: (increase the number to say 0.2)
SUSPENSION damperAmt | springAmt | targetValue | maxSuspensionTravel

Here is a doc that shows what each section does.

This may change the cars driving habits though

As with real vehicles, you have to set cars up to work on the surfaces you wish to drive on
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Re: Vehicles stop when they hit non-level surfaces

Postby howler » 17 Apr 2014, 14:30

Cool, thanks! I'll give that a try.
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