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Postby TattieBoJangle » 28 Jan 2015, 19:43

Hi guys having trouble getting the collision to work tried all options any ideas.

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Re: collision

Postby StarFire » 28 Jan 2015, 20:12

Looks like physics is working or you would not ge the debug mesh. Could provide more information as what the problem is, many thanks :)
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Re: collision

Postby TattieBoJangle » 28 Jan 2015, 20:50

That's what i thought as i seen the debug mesh but i can still walk through walls and stuff the ladders are fine lol

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Re: collision

Postby StarFire » 28 Jan 2015, 21:03

Its definitely working otherwise you would not see the bullet sparks. What I think is wrong is that the physics collision groups are not set to the same, make sure both the player and object have the same flags set you will find these in respective physics properties.

This is so that some object can pass through others eg walk thro a laser grid if the player has a shield etc.
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Re: collision

Postby SolarPortal » 28 Jan 2015, 21:59

hi Tattie, i have been playing around with your mesh, and i don't have an issue walking through the building walls.
i have found that the physics mesh did need reset from static to dynamic and back to static again, for the mesh to update from another scale. Perhaps this might solve your problem.

Q> Have you tried walking through the wall after a reload of skyline and the scene?
Q> Have you done any tweaks to the mesh using the mesh editor, or was this a straight import from FBX.
Q> Have you tried on a default scene; import mesh; add physics; add fps character?

As for the hay texture, the alpha on the texture is fine, so no worries there :)

Q> What material mode(basic, advanced or Uber) is the material in?

Note: Basic mode does not have Alpha settings yet, only advanced and Uber.

Note: When changing from basic to advanced or uber, you currently need to select each submaterial and change the material mode manually to the same setting. This is something we will fix eventually, its just this material editor is a fairly new upgrade from its predecessor and was implemented just before christmas, so it is still being developed and may have some bugs.

I did find that the alpha reject was the one to use fr the hay texture. Make sure to save the material after activating the checkbox so the alpha changes to take effect, then use the slider to control how much rejection to use.

let me know how it goes :)
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Re: collision

Postby TattieBoJangle » 28 Jan 2015, 23:16

Ok so after some more testing the only way i could get it to work was in a new scene the only thing i have in my level is a height map for the terrain and water so no idea why it works in one and not the other :)

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Re: collision

Postby StarFire » 28 Jan 2015, 23:32

We have managed to replicate the problem and are going to look deeper into it. Not sure at the moment what it is but will keep you informed ;)

But seems to be associated with the terrain :?
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Re: collision

Postby TattieBoJangle » 28 Jan 2015, 23:37

Thanks was beginning to think i was going crazy and missing something silly :shock: lol
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Re: collision

Postby StarFire » 28 Jan 2015, 23:43

np lol :lol:
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Re: collision

Postby StarFire » 28 Jan 2015, 23:54

Just had a thought .....

For now you could keep everything as it is but just add a physics collider preset where the wall is, although this would be a temp fix. You can find the colliders in asset library [ Asset Library/Presets/Skyline Scene Types/Physics Colliders ]

We are digging away to find this error ;)
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