It appears navmesh is still working, just forgot how to use it lol
In order to place navmesh across surfaces, these surfaces need marked as static as there's no point in having navmesh on a moving entity lol
So select the entity that are the environment, go to the properties, set them static and then generate navmesh.
It does crash though when trying to place path points for testing purposes.
Plus the editor is a tad awkward to use it seems and needs some work to match the rest of the engine
But it is working
Here are some starting code functions:
- Code: Select all
function createNavmeshAgent()
navmesh.showAgentDebug(obj, 1);
navmesh.setAgentMaxSpeed(obj, 5);
function to use:
navmesh.setDestination(obj, destination.x, destination.y, destination.z); API for navmesh seems to not be fully written out. but again, like the rest, this will all be updated for release
Some examples will be put together for release