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Detour functions to Lua

Detour functions to Lua

Postby SpiderMack » 16 Apr 2018, 13:48


There is important Navmesh functions to create advanced AI.
Many are already included in Detour Api, SKyline just needs to interface them to Lua.

Used a lot to create dynamic AI moving everywhere around the player

dtStatus dtNavMeshQuery::findRandomPointAroundCircle(dtPolyRef startRef, const float* centerPos, const float maxRadius,
const dtQueryFilter* filter, float (*frand)(),
dtPolyRef* randomRef, float* randomPt)

Faster than physics raycast when testing environment, and usefull to identify static walls and obstacles

dtStatus dtNavMeshQuery::raycast(dtPolyRef startRef, const float* startPos, const float* endPos,
const dtQueryFilter* filter,
float* t, float* hitNormal, dtPolyRef* path, int* pathCount, const int maxPath)

Navigation cost.
Can be used to compare two possible destination cost or used for gaemplay like checking if sound propagation reaches a destination.

float dtQueryFilter::getCost(const float* pa, const float* pb,
const dtPolyRef /*prevRef*/, const dtMeshTile* /*prevTile*/, const dtPoly* /*prevPoly*/,
const dtPolyRef /*curRef*/, const dtMeshTile* /*curTile*/, const dtPoly* curPoly,
const dtPolyRef /*nextRef*/, const dtMeshTile* /*nextTile*/, const dtPoly* /*nextPoly*/)

Closest point into a boundary poly

dtStatus dtNavMeshQuery::closestPointOnPolyBoundary(dtPolyRef ref, const float* pos, float* closest)
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Re: Detour functions to Lua

Postby SolarPortal » 16 Apr 2018, 18:37

Thanks for those.. it helps alot..
We will add these to the todo list...

Do you want to make an entry on the ticket site:
Skyline Game Engine - Lead Dev.
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Re: Detour functions to Lua

Postby SpiderMack » 16 Apr 2018, 20:33

Those functions can be found on Recast Detour source code on GitHub

There is more functions, some could be usefull like getting a list of navigation points to let the user code itself the character movement (and this would allow us to fix the actual rotation issues when using navmesh on SKyline).

I'll make a ticket.
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