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Pulling v1.1.2.0

Pulling v1.1.2.0

Postby SolarPortal » 23 Jul 2020, 15:09

Sad but required, why say this. Because until the new version of skyline v2.0 is released, you can no longer purchase the engine.

We are doing this because we are recieving emails through support about problems people are facing with the engine and we can no longer support that version or fix any of the issues as our source base has completely changed to the version that is out there.

In hindsight, we could have handled this better and kept a copy of the code out there to keep updating and releasing fixes to that version.

Does this mean skyline is done for.. NO, on the contrary, v2.0 is only a couple month away and will be in its beta phase when released.
This is when reporting faults and crashes will be crucial to making it a stable release.
But the v1.1.2.0 that is currently released, can no longer be purchased as we don't feel its fair to offer something we can't fix or update. All efforts are now focused into v2.0.

We have left the free version for people to try skyline and use it.. All people who have already purchased skyline will still be able to get their downloads and install the commercial version,
and all licenses are still in tact and will remain intact indefinately. Simply we cannot offer support to fix bugs or crashes at the moment until the Beta for v2.0 is released which we are very much hard at work on.

Many apologies from the team here at Aurasoft UK and hope you are all well and staying safe in this crazy world.
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Re: Pulling v1.1.2.0

Postby monkeyfrogstudio » 23 Jul 2020, 19:23

It's understandable. You're a small team and there's no sense trying to support two versions of the software. V2 sounds like it's going to be quite amazing, so please keep putting all your effort there. I, personally, cannot wait to see the fruit of your labor with V2!
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Re: Pulling v1.1.2.0

Postby SolarPortal » 23 Jul 2020, 19:24

great to hear! :)
Skyline Game Engine - Lead Dev.
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Re: Pulling v1.1.2.0

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 28 Jul 2020, 16:49

Good to see that SkyLine is still active...I thought that it must have ended...Sorry about the problems with loss of code...I have done this myself before...It hurts with all the work that is lost...Keep at it

Thanks, CreativeOcclusion
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Re: Pulling v1.1.2.0

Postby SolarPortal » 28 Jul 2020, 18:50

Thanks @creativeOcclusion, yeah we are still active and working very hard on the next version.. just so much to do after the 11 month we were away :P
Skyline Game Engine - Lead Dev.
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Specs: OS: Win 10 64bit, CPU: Intel i7 4770 3.4ghz x 4 core(8 threads), GPU: Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB, Ram: 16gig DDR3, Windows on 250gb Samsung Evo 860

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Re: Pulling v1.1.2.0

Postby epsilonion » 30 Jul 2020, 11:04

Ah damn, but the good taken from this is that you now have a list of bugs that can be worked through with the new version.

Also people should be using the support website to report bugs etc etc..

Its good to hear that it's only a couple of months away, awesome news..

Keep up the good work
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