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How about an Alpha List

How about an Alpha List

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 26 Oct 2016, 19:48

I was thinking today that it would be nice to have a list of what is working and what is not working in SkyLine...
This way Devs could check off functions that are ready...
This way testers would know that we are not testing something that is not even working to start with...
I think this would help us get to BETA faster...
I know that this would require a little work to write up, but should be worth it...

This is just a suggestion...If it is voted out...No hard feelings...CO
Thanks, CreativeOcclusion
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Re: How about an Alpha List

Postby StarFire » 26 Oct 2016, 19:53

sure thing, anything that will get us to beta quicker! ;)
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Re: How about an Alpha List

Postby SolarPortal » 26 Oct 2016, 19:54

Haha, Don't see why not and if it helps then it can be done :D
I will get started here and users already using Gen2 can chip in with their findings also.

What is not working and known about
  • Terrain or any scene with terrain cannot be loaded and worked on. I wouldn't even bother try and get it working as i am working on a replacement for the terrain system, same with vegetation and roads.
  • Spline path works, but no debug are showing yet.
  • Material Baking
  • Reloading skeletons.
  • GUI visual editing is still imcomplete.
  • Not sure about the Tools menu > Mesh functions either

What should be working:
  • There may be certain lua functions that crash in Gen2 but work in Gen1. These should be reported although i believe user "liamgibbins" is working on a large list of these. If something is needed quickly to keep testing, then it will be fixed.
  • Scene Editing which had vast improvements over Gen1.
  • Actions - Although i expect a couple might crash
  • All other features
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Re: How about an Alpha List

Postby epsilonion » 26 Oct 2016, 20:24

If I may jumps in here.. :)

I already have a bug thread open, I dont know if you have access I am sure you do. but here we go.

Here's a list of what I had found, some have been fixed and some on the list to do.

Presets and particles are hit and miss, some of them crash you out and others just show a diamond on the scene
Tool's > Mesh merging and Resource collector crash you out.
Lights If your going to use point lights then you must have a directorial light in your scene, if you don,t require a directional light then set it to zero (0).

Had some issues with lights not keeping there settings (spotlights), but seem OK with the default scene (strange one).

Dynamic Models (right click) the knightress crashes your system dont use the 3rd person, the FPS one works fine, some of the others also dont work.
SkyBox on occasion when loading several SkyBoxes one after the other has caused a crash.
Tech Demos A lot of the Tech Demo's dont work, with some of them its the presets or particles but like said above they have been listed (above), also errors in the Tech Demos leading to crashes I presume these are due to the LUA problems I seem to keep finding.. :)

The Lua Hooks and commands are getting looked at and its a bloody long list if you want to chip in and help test them to see if they have been effected.

The only ones that I have found to want to cause problems are ones that reference other scripts such as fps system and damage system but its early days will keep banging away at the list and eventually pass on my findings lol...

Think theres a few more will have to see when I get back to testing tomorrow, had my daughter stay over the past couple of days.. :)
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Re: How about an Alpha List

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 26 Oct 2016, 21:06

OK...Thanks everyone...I will look through Liam's stuff and keep testing...

Dynamic Models (right click) the knightress crashes your system dont use the 3rd person, the FPS one works fine, some of the others also dont work.

The FPS player does not work here...I have to drag in the old FPS Kit Player to walk the scene...
Thanks, CreativeOcclusion
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Re: How about an Alpha List

Postby epsilonion » 26 Oct 2016, 21:42

Hmm strange one, the fps player was working yesterday. Just re-down loaded so will check if my generation 2 scenes work still.. tomorrow .. lol

Hope you have fun with it.. you can get some stunning scenes with it

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