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Design the Simplest Workflow

Design the Simplest Workflow

Postby StarFire » 17 Oct 2016, 22:14

Thinking about a few ideas about simplicity in editor design, throwing it out there...

What would be the most basic, but important work flows we could use in Skyline. Keeping all of the main power of Skyline hidden until needed so as to keep any complexity at bay and leave tools only for the task at hand.

1.My goal for Skyline is as a game dev but not a pro game dev, ie I like to play at making games until my ideas are solid. So if it feels too much like work I am put off. Primarily this stage I would work on Presets as they are the Game Objects and contain the pre-made game mechanics . No further work needed just the odd param tweak.

2.When I have a great idea I want to quickly get a prototype made. This is a more focused task but should not feel like work, more like creative fun. Again this would be presets (Game Objects) but may also mess with materials and other basic settings.

If at any time in stage 1,2 I need a model or texture I would prefer to open a simple import wizard that would load my model, do all necessary conversions including creating the Game Object (Preset), while I sit back and drink the tea.

3.Then the work starts!. I need Skyline then to give me full control over my games development and look/feel. All raw assets need to be able to be processed on bulk and lots of scripts/modules developed.

But realistically speaking I tend to just stay at points 1+2 although The Veil demo is making me look at placing more time in section 3 above.

So through some type of Editor Abstraction and workflow tailoring these stages could be simplified and improve the Skyline experience.

What do you think?

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Re: Design the Simplest Workflow

Postby TattieBoJangle » 17 Oct 2016, 23:03

For me it is always put down to importing your assets this should be done with little or no hassle at all, I feel there could still be a few improvements there ;) the possibility to have an import export button for your Library would be nice that way it could zip it up export it to wherever you want it then the next version import it and jobs done I know you can do it manually but still.
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Re: Design the Simplest Workflow

Postby StarFire » 17 Oct 2016, 23:11

Like the simple export route straight to zip.
importing your assets this should be done with little or no hassle at all

totally and they should automatically set up all the "game objects" complete with thumbnails.
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