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exporting old levels

exporting old levels

Postby planetX » 01 Dec 2017, 16:18

Hi there,

finally got some time to check the latest release. :D

Got some problems running the DX mode in both 32 and 64 bits. Works fine in Open GL 32 bits, at least while trying to load my levels. The menu system worked fine (with some keyboard and gamepad input issues) but the race level crashed every time in DX mode.

Anyway, I stick to the OpenGL 32 bits which seems to be the most stable one. But tried to export a game with no success. I've created a Game Manager file and exported as usual. Not sure if I did it properly btw, the thing is that I get these errors and warnings:



The executable runs fine until I click in NEW, then I just get a light blue screen (I guess is the sky). The pause menu works fine though. Obviously is a resource problem, but I've added all the assets to the project resource group, otherwise I couldn't run the game in the editor. Also tried deleting all the resource files and regenerate them, but the problem persists.

Any clue?

My specs: Windows 10 - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz - 16 Gb ram DDR4 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M 4 Gb

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Re: exporting old levels

Postby SolarPortal » 01 Dec 2017, 18:14

ahh, im happy to see the exporter being tested even if it hasn't worked first time. But this is what i need to make it work completely and why we havent released yet...

If you dont mind, we could do some screensharing on Discord to see how your doing things, so if your up for it and when your ready, give me a shout, and we'll work on this together to get it working right! :)

As for the errors, are they coming from outside of the asset library or project folders and subfolders, if so then they are apart of what's known as the Global Group.
However, it could also be projects, i haven't tried a large one yet... so there may be something missed.

But thanks for testing and lets get this working right! :D
Skyline Game Engine - Lead Dev.
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