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Dungeon Test Level

Dungeon Test Level

Postby Shando » 30 Dec 2014, 23:42

Hi All,

Here is a link to a wip video of my Dungeon Test Level:

The vid is about 20MB in size.

I have used the FPS presets from Skyline, with little (or no) modifications, the Dungeon Creation Kit from Dexsoft (, and the torch flames from the, now "free", Particle Universe download.

Please note that Shadows are currently not turned on, and I have set the lighting waaaayyyyyy too bright (I tried red point lights, but the Orcs didn't look too good, so I'm trying different settings to see what I can come up with!), but all of this will be tweaked/fixed in the next week or so, I hope :mrgreen:

I'm also looking at putting together a short tutorial on how I created this level, but I want to get it looking good first!!!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask away.


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Re: Dungeon Test Level

Postby SolarPortal » 31 Dec 2014, 12:38

Wow, impressive :D
Looking forward to seeing more. Those torches really make the scene.

Orks can also follow paths which would look way cooler, just change the name of the path in the orks scripts.

If you use spotlights instead of point lights eg. Like "bioshock 1", you can get good shadows that shouldn't flicker.

If you are using IBL and the default ambience setting, then the ambient slider will need reduced by half for each overlapping light added.
That's why it's overbright. You could switch to multi light ambient, but normals are lost in the ambience, which doesn't look as good.
Or are you in deferred now?

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Re: Dungeon Test Level

Postby Shando » 07 Jan 2015, 01:47

Hi All,

Now that I've ironed a few things out, I thought it was about time to post some WIP images of my Dungeon Level 8-)

I have used the Dungeon Creation Kit from Dexsoft, the Xilax Warriors from Arteria3D, and the torch flames from the Particle Universe download.

Also, I have implemented some simple "follow the path" pathfinding for the Xilax Warriors, as well as the stock FPS stuff from within Skyline. I only had to make a few minor tweaks to the Lua code to cope with 12 enemies :D

These screenshots are from within the Editor (the big red/orange blocks are Physics Collider Shapes which I had to use as the Dexsoft walls etc. are only single sided):

A view of the entire level:

Some more screenshots from within the Editor:

And finally, some in-game screenshots (NB: I have left a lot of the "helpers" provided by Skyline in-place so, you can see the paths etc.):

Obviously still a fair bit to do with regards to lighting etc. but I'm extremely impressed with how easy this has been to set up (once I sorted out a few minor issues with the models) :mrgreen:

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post away!!


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Re: Dungeon Test Level

Postby StarFire » 19 Jan 2015, 23:17

Wow this project is coming along great :)

Looking forward to seeing more of it ;)

Keep up the great work! :D
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Re: Dungeon Test Level

Postby SolarPortal » 19 Jan 2015, 23:32

yes, this is looking good and a game that is being publicly displayed and made on skyline :D

What is the game about?
What creatures are you fighting?

Is this game just hunt down all the enemies, or is there an objective to collect artifacts or items?

Looking forward to seeing where this goes. Keep it up!
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Re: Dungeon Test Level

Postby Shando » 21 Feb 2015, 12:46

OK, so it's time for an update on my Dungeon Level 8-)

Here is a link to a new video that showcases the new flickering lights, as well as the start of the item collection part of the level:

The basic idea of the game is this:

You live in a future world that is ruled by an evil alien race. You ( and your mates once multi-player is implemented ;) ) have been selected to travel back in time to collect certain artifacts (related to the period you are in) that can be used to defeat the aliens. To do this you will have to progress through different levels (for example: a relatively open world with Dinosaurs, a roman amphitheatre, a medieval dungeon etc.) gradually making your way back to your own time. Unfortunately, the alien overlords have discovered your mission and sent soldiers back to each of the time periods to try to stop you (they don't know what the artifacts are, so can't just grab them themselves!!).

So, you not only have to find the artifacts (and fight the aliens), but you also have to find 3 keys (red, blue & green) in each level that will unlock the teleporter to the next time period.


PS: I was using the trackpad on my laptop which didn't seem to allow me to move and turn at the same time, hence the move, turn, move, turn :oops:
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Re: Dungeon Test Level

Postby SolarPortal » 21 Feb 2015, 12:57

Nice one! that level is looking much better now. Also that pickup looked perfect, i take it that your using the "Pickup" action. Well Done :D The story is fine, it's a simple story yet perfect for showcasing multiple environments creating a diversity for the player.

I think all of these games being made on skyline atm are really going to give the engine credibility. Thanks :)

Edit: It would be great if we could add some of the user videos to our ModDB page to give more gameplay videos. :)

Edit2: We have the same trackpad issue on one of our laptops. Except on older laptop, it doesn't have the same problem.
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Re: Dungeon Test Level

Postby Shando » 21 Feb 2015, 13:11

SolarPortal wrote:i take it that your using the "Pickup" action.

I actually used a PhysX Trigger Volume and scripted it (didn't even think about the Trigger Action :oops:).

SolarPortal wrote:It would be great if we could add some of the user videos to our ModDB page to give more gameplay videos.

No worries, I can upload to my online account and send you a link - just let me know ;)

I'll probably also upload the actual BandiCam video to YouTube as it is much better quality :mrgreen:

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Re: Dungeon Test Level

Postby SolarPortal » 21 Feb 2015, 13:17

Skyline is created to allow the end user to create their game mechanics the way they want to. So a trigger volume is a great way to go about it.

As for the video, thank you. it will be helpful for showcasing the engine :)
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Re: Dungeon Test Level

Postby StarFire » 21 Feb 2015, 14:49

Wow this is coming along great, Way to go Shando! :D
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Re: Dungeon Test Level

Postby SolarPortal » 21 Feb 2015, 14:54

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