Hi All,
Here is a link to a wip video of my Dungeon Test Level:
The vid is about 20MB in size.
I have used the FPS presets from Skyline, with little (or no) modifications, the Dungeon Creation Kit from Dexsoft (http://www.3dmodels-textures.com/3dmodels/Fantasy-models/DungeoCreator), and the torch flames from the, now "free", Particle Universe download.
Please note that Shadows are currently not turned on, and I have set the lighting waaaayyyyyy too bright (I tried red point lights, but the Orcs didn't look too good, so I'm trying different settings to see what I can come up with!), but all of this will be tweaked/fixed in the next week or so, I hope
I'm also looking at putting together a short tutorial on how I created this level, but I want to get it looking good first!!!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask away.