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Postby foster_991 » 08 Sep 2017, 10:28

Last edited by foster_991 on 24 Sep 2017, 23:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby SolarPortal » 08 Sep 2017, 12:08

Hi foster_991, Welcome to the forum :D

Thanks for posting and asking this question.
We are not clear on how to port to PS4 simply because we have never done nor do we think we could afford a license to do so.

There are others platforms planned in after the PC release, but perhaps consoles could be added to the list of platforms, but we would require advice and contacts in those console companys to get hands on with dev kits etc...

but to answer your question, skyline currently does not port to the PS4, even though it would be cool to do so one day!

As for OSVR, i believe through it being open source, all you have to do is change the HDK settings per device and OSVR will handle them as it would its own device. Dont take my word on that though, as i have only ever worked with the OSVR HDK with the OSVR SDK.

Hope this answers your questions :)
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Postby epsilonion » 08 Sep 2017, 14:46

I have been away for a while because of personal problems but I will be continuing with the tutorials soon to get them up to date etc. There is a document page for VR that uses the OSVR Platform but you can use others within the same system (more on this further down).

To activate VR in skyline just check the tick box for VR under the camera settings to enable it (nice and easy).

There is a quick page here on Skylines VR setup, in that list you will see plugins these plugins allows other systems to be used with the OSVR system (some of the plugins are as follows):

  • Steam VR
  • Oculus
  • ViVe
  • Leap Motion
  • FOVE (eye Tracking)
  • ART trackers
  • Tracker utilities (records tracking data etc)
  • NOD (for nod devices)
  • And more

This means that if your project will be VR related you can have it compatible with more devices then just the OSVR HDK head sets.

As for the Play Station Platform, as Skyline Gen 2 is getting close to been released to the public I would have thought that the feature list is given priority over export platforms at the moment (SP and Starfire are the dev's and have info on this) and getting things like database, networking, vehicle editor (for easy setting up of vehicles), quest editor, constraints editor (rope etc) and many more integrated into Skyline would benefit it at the moment and then adding export platforms when Skyline is full functional and all features (or most of them) in before export platforms.

Saying this I would not rule out Xbox and Play Station platforms as they may be implemented in the future when Skyline has been released and is seeing a revenue stream to fund such licenses..

P.S. Did I explain that right Solar Portal?

PlayStation Platform Developer Page - (look further down the page for relevant information)
Xbox Platform Developer Page -
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Postby SolarPortal » 08 Sep 2017, 16:19

yep, pretty much :)

Gen2 still has yet to gain its VR system back, but it is planned for the v1.0 release(the public release) :)
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