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Issue preparing my folders for skyline...

Issue preparing my folders for skyline...

Postby Sage1969 » 17 Jul 2019, 06:01

Hey guys,

I hope everyone is well.

During folder prep windows pop up telling me Skyline can not locate "lambert1" and "defaultPhong" skymat files and to choose the appropriate one(s).

The problem is my folders have neither of those files.

If I choose the file that Skyline says is in my models folder (which is not really there) no surprise it crashes/freezes and needs a hard shutdown.

If I choose the default(s) Skyline offers I just get a solid bright yellow orb and as a result the models show up as a color mix of mostly bright yellow with bits of green, purple and black. Although the fbx files render in the editor they render in the colors and not their textures. I can not change/reassign the textures they just stay the colors.

The dds convert no issue as normal so what am I overlooking?

Example: the left and middle panels are "default" result, the right is what the model should look like.

Last edited by Sage1969 on 18 Jul 2019, 07:28, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Issue preparing my folders for skyline...

Postby epsilonion » 17 Jul 2019, 22:03

I will get SP or SF to reply to you on this as I haven't had this issue personally..
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Re: Issue preparing my folders for skyline...

Postby SolarPortal » 19 Jul 2019, 08:58

Hi sage, could you do a recording of the issue at fault, showing where the folders are located in the asset manager, procedure for prepare and of course the crash, post logs etc.. this will all help in determining where the fault is.

If you could also pm myself, starfire or epsilonion the assets to test with please :)

Sorry for not responding or being active lately, we are dealing with some heavy family matters at the moment and believe we should start to be able to get back into skyline in a few weeks or so.. basically its sort of left on hiatus at the moment.
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Re: Issue preparing my folders for skyline...

Postby JASAILOR » 22 Feb 2020, 22:51


I am trying to load fbx models from Unity projects to Skyline. I copied th FBX file to a folder in the asset manager. I then followed the steps to run the "prepare folder" process with the options set in the attached image.
preparefolderoptions.PNG (113.69 KiB) Viewed 19391 times
which yielded the following result:
FBX converted Files.PNG
FBX converted Files.PNG (150.33 KiB) Viewed 19391 times

I would appreciate some help?

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Re: Issue preparing my folders for skyline...

Postby SolarPortal » 23 Feb 2020, 13:29

What exactly is the issue? since you have the mesh being output and it seems there is a missing material.
this can mean that you dont have the textures stored in the fbx or stored in the folder.
If they are stored in the folder, then you can right click and create material from diffuse texture and use the material editor to make the material as needed.

or if the textures are in the folder at time of preparing the folder, then select the bottom option on the prepare folder to convert textures into materials.

Then simply drag the mesh into the scene, apply the material and then on the properties panel third icon button, click the bake material button to apply the material into the mesh file, so next time you use the mesh, you dont have to apply the material each time.

If you add actions and scripts to the mesh, then create a preset from it and then use that instead so you no longer need to add scripts or physics.

Hope this clears things up as i wasnt to sure of the problem you are facing from what you posted, but hopefully that gives you some more information to play with.

Hope this helps :D
Skyline Game Engine - Lead Dev.
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