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Will Skyline V2 Still Use LUA?

Will Skyline V2 Still Use LUA?

Postby monkeyfrogstudio » 28 Jul 2020, 20:07

Hello! I am a non-programmer, but thought it best to at least attempt to learn. Several of the game development platforms I've been looking at use LUA, so I thought I would start there. Skyline v1 uses LUA, so this begs the question - will Skyline v2 continue to use LUA for a scripting language?

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Re: Will Skyline V2 Still Use LUA?

Postby SolarPortal » 28 Jul 2020, 22:04

big time, but it will have a lot more functions and libraries as we are building a sort of sub class as an SDK leaving what was there functional. The SDK will be direct references to the c++ classes we use so it allows you to create much more and enables the custom plugins to do more also like custom renderwindows or even new features to skyline that users will be able to sell on the store.. so yeah, it would be wise to learn lua :)
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Re: Will Skyline V2 Still Use LUA?

Postby epsilonion » 30 Jul 2020, 11:15

Lua is a easy language to learn, more so then others and that's why it's so popular

There are tonnes of tutorials on YouTube such as..

Maybe a little old but gives a good starting place
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