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New Name Suggestions

New Name Suggestions

Postby iamcheeseontoast » 17 Apr 2014, 02:18

I'm looking for some help with deciding the name for my project.
Here's some info regarding the project to give you an understanding of it and hence its name.

Isles of Ifrinn
This will be the first level where our hero becomes a Warlock. I have plans and content for at least 2 others.

This ore is found everywhere in this world, it gives off high levels of energy.
It can be used to power all kinds of things such as lights, heating, vehicles, weapons etc etc.
Note - The name Bloodstone was picked only because I thought it sounded good, I'm open to other suggestions.

Some people in the world can actually absorb the bloodstone energy and use it.
Warlocks can use the energy with abilities such as fireball, invisibility and mind control.

Here are 3 ideas I have so far. Can't make up my mind about them. Maybe someone have a totally new name idea.



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Re: New Name Suggestions

Postby SolarPortal » 17 Apr 2014, 10:04

great to see your still around lol :P
So your game is becoming episodic now.

i thought that the game was existing in the isles of ifrinn, so are you planning to have multiple areas now,
or multiple islands each with their own name, or elemental names.

From the titles, is the game going to be darker in atmosphere as thats what i pick up from the titles.
Especially with the blood dripping.

Some people in the world can actually absorb the bloodstone energy and use it.

Is your character the last warlock in the series to call the game "the last warlock",
or are you planning on having them all disappear in the game.

The bloodstone in real life is called Heliotrope:
So you could make a name based from that, which makes it less dark, but the same meaning.
  • Helios Gems
  • Helios Stones

Just a few thoughts for you :D
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