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mat problem

mat problem

Postby cassius_b » 21 Mar 2018, 23:59

I have a character called RedKnight that I am trying to get into my scene. It has 2 textures , a body texture and a sword texture. When I try to convert the body texture to a material it comes up white with the extension sk.....When loaded into the scene the characters sword has the texture on it , but not the body texture.What am I doing wrong? I AM using prepare tool.
Skyline Ensen
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Re: mat problem

Postby SolarPortal » 22 Mar 2018, 00:15

Does your texture for the body mat contain any more additional "." (dots) on top of the extension.

Could you post a couple screenshots of the material and textures from the material editor and the folder in asset manager? This will let us see what your seeing :) A video of the process is always the best for us as it allows us to reproduce the issue at hand a lot easier.

We will help you the best we can :)

Thanks :)

p.s. You could always pm me the mesh and textures and i could try preparing it for you and see what causes the error.
The base unconverted mesh, textures etc.. will be required to test with. :)
Skyline Game Engine - Lead Dev.
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Re: mat problem

Postby cassius_b » 22 Mar 2018, 00:39

I altered something and now the textures are on the model ok, but the sword is animating and not the body. I think I will start again and see if I can fix it.Had it working once before so I am probably missing something.
Skyline Ensen
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