Sorry, I have several questions to you, concerning the third person controller and the AI scripts…
I hope my requests don't seem to be too much messy or senseless.

I’ve attached to my actor (from Mixamo) the “character melee – reusable character” script as plug in.
I watched a Tattie tutorial about this method.
But I got some quirk results: for example, if I push spacebar, the character only raises up, instead of jumping (previously I have already setted up every animations in the mapper slots).
And, after I LMB to trigger attack1 (for me: boxing animation), the other animations don’t work any more…

By the way, how could I handle the other anims by the keyboard, not by the gamepad?
Is it possible to change the default sound?
I tried with footsteps but the system plays only the default (a simple beep) sound...
With the same actor, but using Actor Editor->Player Camera V2 & PhysiX Player Controller, the basic animations (walk, run, jump) work very fine.
In order to use the AI: where I can found the NPC zombie plug in? In my Asset Library there is only a folder named NPC melee-Dummy…
Thanks and see you soon!