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missing textures

missing textures

Postby cassius_b » 30 Mar 2016, 00:45

When I load a model the texture on it is not mine , but seems to be some default texture. The texture in question is called persioncarpet.jpg( no spaces) model format is fbx.
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Re: missing textures

Postby PaRaDoXoS » 30 Mar 2016, 06:59

I experienced the same.
When I do a right-click and choose edit Material I can select the Texture. But then, when I add another asset and change the material, the old one also changes too.
I tried to use some of the free assets from the store.

Maybe this helps, haven't tried out yet.
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Re: missing textures

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 30 Mar 2016, 08:49

Here is a link to some tutorials...For this case look at the one for "Importing 3D Models"...Hope this helps...

Once you master this system, it works very well...
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Re: missing textures

Postby PaRaDoXoS » 30 Mar 2016, 09:53

perfect, thanks! That works! will go through all of them :-)
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Re: missing textures

Postby cassius_b » 30 Mar 2016, 12:57

I am not very good with video tutorials as I am slightly deaf. I assumed the textures would be correct or not present at all.
My model is one that loads correctly into other apps.
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Re: missing textures

Postby SolarPortal » 30 Mar 2016, 13:06

it will load correctly inside skyline as well :)

The asset manager has a feature called prepare folder which will convert all the assets into usable ones that skyline can load.
It can be found on the right hand side of the asset manager toolbar. Select a folder first, then prepare and try to load assets.
At times, skyline needs to be restarted in order to use the assets which is strange. Its something that needs to be fixed but is not a priority as these other workflows work perfectly.

I am not very good with video tutorials as I am slightly deaf.

A perfect reason why we need written tutorials. They will be made but we dont want to keep changing the docs as the engines editor or workflow changes. But we are happy to help on the forums :D
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Re: missing textures

Postby TattieBoJangle » 30 Mar 2016, 15:27

Hi when the new update comes out I will be doing the tutorials again as so much has improved and changed since then but I can also look at adding Captions to the videos this would help anyone with hearing problems ;)

Sometimes the textures wont auto load if say it was made and the texture was .dds and over time it has changed to .jpeg or if the name has changed from say floor.jpg to floors.jpg
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Re: missing textures

Postby cassius_b » 30 Mar 2016, 23:40

Thanks for your help. I changed model format from fbx to obj and textures look ok now. Mayby the first ones did not convert to skyline format. Probably my fault.
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Re: missing textures

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 31 Mar 2016, 07:24

Glad you got it working cassius_b...This engine has some quirks, but I am running a large level with my game Tunnels of Tarkus...It is running at 60 fps with a lot of models and about 400 + lines of code...Many moving models and 30 animated models...The Development Team for SkyLine is the best at helping their users of any game engine I have used...At 50 years old, I have used a lot of them...When SkyLine gets out of Beta, I believe it will surpass a lot of engines because of the support, the price, and the ease of use...I believe that I know you from another engine...This one blows the other away...Welcome to SkyLine....CO
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Re: missing textures

Postby cassius_b » 31 Mar 2016, 11:31

I am a lot older than 50, 92 to be precise and yes you do know me from another engine. I reckon I can handle two engines.
Agter all I am only 92.
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Re: missing textures

Postby StarFire » 31 Mar 2016, 16:17

Awesome @cassius_b age is only a number! Glad to have you with us on the Skyline Journey :D
I have sent you a PM.

I am just a nipper like CO at 50 and feel like I am 20 lol :D
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Re: missing textures

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 31 Mar 2016, 17:38

I am a lot older than 50, 92 to be precise and yes you do know me from another engine. I reckon I can handle two engines. After all I am only 92.

I hope I am half as good at game dev as you, when I'm 92...Great to see you here...
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Re: missing textures

Postby cassius_b » 01 Apr 2016, 19:48

Thanks to all.
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