ok, so i have tested the simple character controller and this is working.
Simple Character Controller Action: - This is possible now minus the new codeThe action has a boolean value for simple move that you can already use to engage the move direction, but i have also added this command:
- Code: Select all
character.setMoveAdvanced( obj, 1); -- 1 = custom manual movement, 0 = basic movement(dafault)
when the movement is set to advanced, you have to manually create the directions to apply, this also means you have to simulate your own gravity. Here is how you use the setMoveDirection.
- Code: Select all
character.setMoveDirection( obj, 0, -1 ,1);
character.move( obj, 1000*timeDelta);
Note: You still have to call move afterwards to engage in the direction of your choice. 1 forwards, -1 backward. 0 no movement.
I will update this post with the spawned controller which i am going to test now
Dynamic Spawned Character Controller: - not possible until the next releaseThis also works now:
Call this command to engage advanced movement:
- Code: Select all
controller.setMoveAdvanced( dccID, 1);
Then use it like the other code:
- Code: Select all
controller.setMoveDirection( dccID, 0, -1 ,1);
controller.move( dccID, 100*timeDelta);
Just remember, using the advanced mode will mean you have to control all direction of movement as the system will not move it and leave it acting as a kinematic body for you to program in your way.
Hope this helps