Great update about library and projects
About AI why not considering Behaviour Trees or FSM instead of relying on code modules instead of graphs ?
Or why not looking at Goap wxay of coding (planner, actions, decisions, events ...) ?
Why not take consider Shando BT plugin ?
Well it's perhaps for later, but as Skyline is doing some breaking changes, it's perhaps the best opportunity to change how anyone is creating AI in Skyline.
BTW good work.
I just started using the new project manager it's still confusing.
We never know what is the active or opened project
For example i created a new project, and skyline crashed, re launching skyline there was no projects in the new project panel.
- I imported the one i just created , but again there is nothing indicating this is the active project we are working on ?
- If i click on "new game manager" it is unable to go to the new project folder to create a new game manager, instead it points into assets. Skyline could create a new
- I don't see anything indicating what libraries are or what library is linked to the current project
- re launching again skyline it do not list the previous project, the list is empty again
- trying to open default "mainScene" it crashes
I was able to create a new scene and add a player controller and got it working, but there is some bugs, and there is small adjustments and indicators to add.
When we start Skyline we should get a list of existing projects we can choose, delete or import new one.
When we choose one on the list Skyline opens the project and we are only able to work under the project folders.
Any imported new assets should got to project sub folders.
I'm not really at ease with how works the actual project system without a better rework.