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Skyline Release v1.0.1.0 (codename: Aurora)

Skyline Release v1.0.1.0 (codename: Aurora)

Postby SolarPortal » 18 Mar 2018, 14:18

New Skyline Game Engine version for all skyline version types, this time as a full install due to massive changes. Please download from your store account.

Please read the porting section carefully :) Backup Your assets from the asset library

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Re: Skyline Release v1.0.1.0 (codename: Aurora)

Postby cassius_b » 18 Mar 2018, 20:04

I followed the link and was logged in but I could not find the commercial version update zip.Am I missing something?
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Re: Skyline Release v1.0.1.0 (codename: Aurora)

Postby cassius_b » 18 Mar 2018, 20:05

I followed the link and was logged in but I could not find the commercial version update zip.Am I missing something?
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Re: Skyline Release v1.0.1.0 (codename: Aurora)

Postby StarFire » 18 Mar 2018, 21:16

It is the download icon to the right of the serial number. The same installer is overwritten each time :)
Hope this helps :D
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Re: Skyline Release v1.0.1.0 (codename: Aurora)

Postby cassius_b » 18 Mar 2018, 21:57

got it thanks
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Postby kohelo » 18 Mar 2018, 22:12

Last edited by kohelo on 10 May 2018, 03:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Skyline Release v1.0.1.0 (codename: Aurora)

Postby SolarPortal » 19 Mar 2018, 12:51

@cassius_b, glad you found it :)

@kohelo, ty :)

Edit: Will be putting a patch update out today hopefully with a couple fixes related to missing textures and projects that have the wrong path.
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Re: Skyline Release v1.0.1.0 (codename: Aurora)

Postby SpiderMack » 19 Mar 2018, 19:21

Great update about library and projects :)

About AI why not considering Behaviour Trees or FSM instead of relying on code modules instead of graphs ?
Or why not looking at Goap wxay of coding (planner, actions, decisions, events ...) ?
Why not take consider Shando BT plugin ?
Well it's perhaps for later, but as Skyline is doing some breaking changes, it's perhaps the best opportunity to change how anyone is creating AI in Skyline.

BTW good work.

I just started using the new project manager it's still confusing.
We never know what is the active or opened project :o

For example i created a new project, and skyline crashed, re launching skyline there was no projects in the new project panel.
- I imported the one i just created , but again there is nothing indicating this is the active project we are working on ?
- If i click on "new game manager" it is unable to go to the new project folder to create a new game manager, instead it points into assets. Skyline could create a new
- I don't see anything indicating what libraries are or what library is linked to the current project
- re launching again skyline it do not list the previous project, the list is empty again
- trying to open default "mainScene" it crashes

I was able to create a new scene and add a player controller and got it working, but there is some bugs, and there is small adjustments and indicators to add.

When we start Skyline we should get a list of existing projects we can choose, delete or import new one.
When we choose one on the list Skyline opens the project and we are only able to work under the project folders.
Any imported new assets should got to project sub folders.
I'm not really at ease with how works the actual project system without a better rework.
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Re: Skyline Release v1.0.1.0 (codename: Aurora)

Postby SolarPortal » 19 Mar 2018, 22:20

Project errors have been reported by other users and am working on them now.
Also, i got a crash with the projects new button but this is now fixed.

As for the asset manager showing multiple projects in dropdown, this is only supposed to be one for the currently loaded project.
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Re: Skyline Release v1.0.1.0 (codename: Aurora)

Postby cassius_b » 19 Mar 2018, 23:58

The update dialog says the update is for windows 8, I get error if I click on yes. I have win 10. ddo I need this update?
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Re: Skyline Release v1.0.1.0 (codename: Aurora)

Postby cassius_b » 20 Mar 2018, 00:11

it crashes every time I click on yes for updates. My web connection seems to be ok.
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Re: Skyline Release v1.0.1.0 (codename: Aurora)

Postby SolarPortal » 20 Mar 2018, 00:50

The auto updates are working on Windows10 fine as i have had other users test and it seems ok :)

As for your crash.. i will need to look into this a bit more.. tomorrow.

Its not a major need, but it does fix a couple of rare case bugs. However, there will be an additional auto update tomorrow with some more project fixes which are crucial so it would be good to get this working :)

Thanks for reporting and we will respond asap with an answer :)

Edit: Note: That you must be accessing the server ok and downloading to get the information about a new update being required.

Edit2: is the version coming from "" to "" which is what it should be to auto update to the latest version.
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Re: Skyline Release v1.0.1.0 (codename: Aurora)

Postby SolarPortal » 20 Mar 2018, 12:31

@cassius_b, have you tried disabling your antivirus? and then updating..
Could you also provide the log files from the Bin folder. They will be in the 32 bit or 64 bit depending on which version you have ran.

It might also be worth trying the other platform (e.g. Win32 or Win64) and see if the auto update can happen.
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Re: Skyline Release v1.0.1.0 (codename: Aurora)

Postby cassius_b » 20 Mar 2018, 20:27

At the moment skyline is crashing at launch, unlike yesterday May try a reinstall when I have time.
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Re: Skyline Release v1.0.1.0 (codename: Aurora)

Postby SolarPortal » 20 Mar 2018, 21:03

That may be best.. :) and again, sorry that you are experiencing these faults.
Skyline Game Engine - Lead Dev.
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Re: Skyline Release v1.0.1.0 (codename: Aurora)

Postby cassius_b » 20 Mar 2018, 21:59

re-installed. working now. Thanks for help.
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Re: Skyline Release v1.0.1.0 (codename: Aurora)

Postby SolarPortal » 20 Mar 2018, 23:57

thats good :) im happy your up and running again :)
Skyline Game Engine - Lead Dev.
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