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Vegetation doc and shader ?

Vegetation doc and shader ?

Postby SpiderMack » 25 Sep 2017, 23:47


About vegetation , something very popular in games,i encountered some issues in Skyline :

1) In material library there is lot of great materials but no nature materials (transparent or transluent)

2) reading docs about workflow and image format but i didn't find anything ? did i miss some video tutorial ?

3) I dig in models/nature and find some nature shaders, duplicated a material and assigned a custom Tga transparent image for tree leafs, but it doesn't work, transparency was not working ?

If i continue to search, i think i will find how to make it work, but i put lot of time without finding how to do it :(

I hope this will help to get better docs or quick tutorial or some available materials to get beginners in the right track from start when they need nature shaders.

Found the video tutorial , good :D
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Re: Vegetation doc and shader ?

Postby SpiderMack » 26 Sep 2017, 00:06

I hope it can help another beginner :)

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Re: Vegetation doc and shader ?

Postby epsilonion » 26 Sep 2017, 09:32

Thank you...

The video tutorial linked is one of Tattie's, he is in the process of making new ones that are more up to date and relevant.

Keep an eye out for them they should be hitting the forum and youtube soon
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Re: Vegetation doc and shader ?

Postby SolarPortal » 26 Sep 2017, 09:56

Alpha Reject is faster than the Alpha blending as it discards pixels rather than using a transparency and if the slider is closer to the left for reject, then the rendering will also be quicker.

1) In material library there is lot of great materials but no nature materials (transparent or transluent)

We are in the process of doing these :)

2) reading docs about workflow and image format but i didn't find anything ? did i miss some video tutorial ?

Documents are currently in development, but there are a few pages and video tutorials about, but out of date. This will be chagned when releasing v1.0

3) I dig in models/nature and find some nature shaders, duplicated a material and assigned a custom Tga transparent image for tree leafs, but it doesn't work, transparency was not working ?

As you have already found this one, ill make note of it quickly. Its in the material editor -> 4th tab -> Enable reject and then edit the slider.

Thanks again :)
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