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Prefabs in Skyline

Prefabs in Skyline

Postby SpiderMack » 26 Sep 2017, 19:15

Prefabs are usefull, it's grouping objects together with anything else like light, particle, script.

I would like to create a prefab from some walls and floors i aligned for example, or a prefab that combines a cristal model with a light and a particle effect.

Are prefabs possible in Skyline ?
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Re: Prefabs in Skyline

Postby SolarPortal » 26 Sep 2017, 21:44

we dont use prefabs but we use presets which can be multiple entities or just a single entity.
The advantage of presets is that they can store actions, scripts and whatever else is assigned.

To save multiple entities at once, then select all the ones you want, then RMB + save as preset, then just drag the preset in from the asset manager. :)
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Re: Prefabs in Skyline

Postby SpiderMack » 27 Sep 2017, 08:38

Cool :)

But there is one downside in Skyline compared to most 3D engine supporting Prefabs like :

In the Scene entity list when you drop a preset on the scene, there is no more prefab or preset, but you see all entities that make the prefab in the scene list instead.


The goal of a prefab is to create some sort of new object group, in the Scene list we want to see the prefab and not it's individual obejcts to quickly select and manipulate this prefab on the scene.
Otherwise there you loose one biggest advantage of using a prefab.

Another prefab advantage is you can have child objects of one parent, moving the parent and childs follow keeping original offsets, same for rotations.
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Re: Prefabs in Skyline

Postby SolarPortal » 28 Sep 2017, 10:29

Yes, totally see this one ourselves and is the original concept, we just havent got around to implementing groups or attachments through the scene entity list yet, but it has been planned for a while :)
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Re: Prefabs in Skyline

Postby SpiderMack » 29 Sep 2017, 15:53

This is some really essential feature, i hope it will get priority and be available for Steam release :D
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