Theres no video yet, however, i can explain a few of these.
Where is that "Menu start scene" ?
Ok, there is no scene with the menu.
When the engine loads it runs the game manager script, which exists outside of all scenes.
This calls the menu to load and is what also loads the scene by the name of "main" tag from the game manager panel.
If you want to load a different scene, then you just change the script to call the first scene.
How to customize it's graphics and the menu ?
Copy the GUI files and the GUI script that the game manager calls and then use the GUI editor to tweak what you want and then program what the menu does in the GUI script. Its that simple.
Use lua hooks if you want to call a GUI function from the main game manager thread depending if it exists yet with:
- Code: Select all
if (functionname ~= nil) then
When creating a project, skyline now copies over all the relevant files for the script and game manager and add them to your project with a new name and renames the internals of the scripts to match.
I believe it also copies the GUI files too.
How to Load and Save a game with proper scene loading from the game saves ?
Very simple, have a look in the game manager for the load & save functions, these then hook with the GUI script which dynamically populates the lists.
As for the data, this is just an array you fill and spit out to JSON format.
Hope this helps
Edit: I will be writing some documentation on it all when i get a few of my main tasks sorted.