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implementing background music

implementing background music

Postby cassius_b » 11 Jun 2020, 22:57

Ji. How do I get background music into my game? I have a wav file.
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Re: implementing background music

Postby SolarPortal » 11 Jun 2020, 23:10

Add a 2D sound in the right click context menu and then load the sound on the properties for the sound entity.
Alternatively, load a game object from the bottom panel that is a sound source. Again 2D not 3D.
Press play to hear it.
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Re: implementing background music

Postby epsilonion » 11 Jun 2020, 23:13

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Re: implementing background music

Postby cassius_b » 12 Jun 2020, 20:47

Thanks for replies.
Skyline Ensen
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