This is where you can introduce yourself to the community, introduce your projects and what you plan to do with skyline. You can share as much or as little info as you wish.



Postby StarFire » 07 Nov 2012, 11:44

Hi to everyone!

Real Name - Hannah Young
Location - Welsh Borders UK

Worked on many of the top + indie game engines writing technical demos and Tutorials (recently we created the Havok Vision Engines Artist User Manual)

International Musician CHi-AD

Developed many Audio DSP devices for use in my music.

Created software to display 360 immersive video content.

Got tired of Game Engine licensing issues , so wrote our own Game Engine to develop our own games - and Skyline was born :D

Have skills in many art and programming areas, 3D modeling, 2D art, music, audio design, multi language programming, game concept and design.

My personal aim is to develop Skyline to a point where it will produce AAA games and beyond, so we can move forwards with our own game IP :D
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Skyline Founder
Skyline Founder
Posts: 1678
Joined: 03 Jan 2012, 18:50
Location: UK
Skill: Great creative
Skill: Programmer
Skill: 3D Modeller
Skill: 2D Artist
Skill: Level Designer

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